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Birch bark workshop

12:00 - 15:00
Slaughterhause gallery

On Sunday, September 29, from 12:00 to 15:00, the Tapamaja Gallery in Lihula will host Tohuvabohu, where participants can explore various birch bark items and craft their own bird whistles and small utility objects from birch bark. Birch bark is a pleasant and practical material, suitable for all age groups. Participation is free! The workshops on cultural heritage for national parks are organized by the Environmental Board.

Instructor: Allan Jürgens.

For information and pre-registration: Krista Kallavus, krista.kallavus@keskkonnaamet.ee, tel 5226 139.

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Lihula Kultuurimaja · Lääneranna Noortekeskus · Lihula Raamatukogu