Entry 20-784 | Estonia | 2020 | 50’ | Subtitles: English


Mees metsast

Mati is a young man from Põlvamaa, who has been observing the changes in Estonian forests during recent years with a growing concern. He has been growing up really close to the natural environment. He knows all of the countless tree species and animals who live in his region and he knows that these days more forests are being cut down than the ecosystems are willing to take - hence the forests are becoming more susceptible to illnesses and various species are dying out. He observes how the National Forestry Management Centre (RMK) gives out instructions to cut down a huge number of trees because of the spread of wood boring beetles in fur forests. By Mati's knowledge, fighting this beetle should be done very differently from what is being done. He is posting videos online about his opinions and is gaining some recognition in the social network. Although he is having supporters, many also devalue his opinions and mock him. Mati does his best to fight against the system that seems to be making rapid and unjustified decisions every day.


Maaja Hallik
Suraj Suresh
Patrick Antonjuk
Samvaran Rai
Maaja Hallik
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