Glamourized by Hollywood and villainized by ancestral folklore, the wolverine is both a fabled icon of the Northern Hemisphere and a modern-day superhero. Our heroine, Freya, is a 3-year-old female wolverine – shy and elusive and rarely caught on camera, she inhabits a mysterious and unforgiving world – deep in the rugged wilderness of Scandinavia. Freya thrives in this remote and remorseless habitat. Wolverines have true grit and an iron-clad attitude; never be daunted, never back down. The tougher the going, the tougher she gets. As we journey through a tumultuous year in her life, Freya’s story unfolds in a visual feast. Set against the ever-changing backdrop of her compelling environment, her narrative is a chronological rollercoaster of events, often motivated food, always driven by the visual march of the seasons. Each seasonal transition brings with it a new set of challenges, opportunities and milestones which she must face head on. This battle isn’t just for her, but the survival of her species.