Entry 22-248 | Germany | 2021 | 51’ | Language: English | Subtitles: Estonian
Bee Wild!
Metsikud mesilased
They’re some of our most effective pollinators. Living in bright wooden huts, producing honey and wax. Busy, beneficial and closely tied to human needs. But how do bees live in the wild?
And why did they disappear from our forests?
This film portrays the wild life of the honey bee in our forests and it shows the important role of this creature in nature.
Kay Ziesenhenne, Alexandra Sailer, Jonas Blaha, Jonathan Wirth, Steffen Sailer, Jan Haft
Eva Becker
Dominik Eulberg, Hannes Kretzer
Melanie Haft, Britta Kiesewetter, Jörn Röver
Production Company
nautilusfilm GmbH for doclights GmbH/NDR Naturfilm
Contact of presenter / Director
Best Cinematography
Jury: There were many films that had great cinematography in the competition this year and so this was a difficult call. Bee Wild pipped the others to the post however, due to its great variety of shots, including wide, expansive shots, intimate nest cameras, all the way down to perfect, immersive macro. And other techniques. ...use of tracking, slow-mo, timelapse, aerials, thermal etc. all working harmoniously together. All telling the story of where wild honeybees once were, and that maybe they will come back. If their challenges can be overcome.
Film recommendations
The Storm - Wildlife in Wild Weather
Welcome to the Forest - Mind the Gap
Lihula Kultuurimaja ·
Lääneranna Noortekeskus ·
Lihula Raamatukogu