Pantanal is Brazilian and means just swamp. Simple the name but the largest swamp area on earth in the heart of South America! This million years old landscape is criss-crossed by rivers, lakes and flooded plains. A Noah's Ark for jaguars, giant otters, hyacinth macaws, anteaters and many other well-known and mysterious animals and plants. They were brought to the brink of extinction by the 1970s. But extensive protective measures brought them back. So today large families of giant otters can be seen chasing through the rivers. Caimans were once killed for their skin by the millions. Today they can be seen everywhere. The world's largest parrots had almost disappeared. Today, 90 percent of all hyacinth macaws in the world live in the Pantanal. With them over 400 other bird species. Ever since jaguar hunting was banned, the kings of the wild have been hunting everywhere again.