Submit your film

Photo Programme

September 28, 10:00-17:45, Von Hauer café in Lihula.

A day full of inspiring lectures, exciting stories, and, of course, plenty of nature photos!

10:00-11:00 – Elmar Kull
11:15-12:15 – Kilvar Kessler
13:00-14:00 – Opening of the "Matsalu Nature" photo exhibition, Lihula distillery
14:15-15:15 – Ave Kruusel
15:30-16:30 – Kalmer Lehepuu
16:45-17:45 – Andrei Reinol

Lectures / Photo Exhibitions / Canon Equipment Display

Kilvar Kessler: Bird Photography (EST)
11:15 - 12:15 Café Von Hauer
Andrei Reinol: Estonian Landscapes (EST)
16:45 - 17:45 Café Von Hauer
Kalmer Lehepuu: Camera Traps and Nature Photography (EST)
15:30 - 16:30 Café Von Hauer
Eimar Kull: A Year with Macro Photography (EST)
10:00 - 11:00 Café Von Hauer
Ave Kruusel: Nature Photography in General (EST)
14:15 - 15:15 Café Von Hauer
Punajalg-tilder. Remo Savisaar

Punajalg-tilder. Remo Savisaar

Photo Contest – Matsalu Nature

The Matsalu Nature Film Festival celebrates the 20th anniversary of Matsalu National Park with a nature photo contest.

The goal of the photo contest "Matsalu Nature" is to collect an impressive selection of images depicting the nature of Matsalu. Submissions are welcome in categories such as birds, mammals, landscapes, insects, and plants. From the submitted works, the top 25 will be selected to create a magnificent large-format photo exhibition. Each photographer chosen for the exhibition will receive a framed, large-format print of their exhibited photo as a prize. All
photographers selected for the exhibition are considered equal winners, and no ranking will be made among them. The remaining qualified works will be published online.

Conditions for Participation in the "Matsalu Nature" Photo Contest:

  • Contest runs from July 8, 2024, to August 25, 2024.
  • Photo must be taken in Matsalu National Park.
  • Each participant may submit up to 5 photos for the contest.
  • The theme of the contest is the nature of Matsalu, with submissions welcome as wild birds, mammals, insects, butterflies, plants, and natural landscapes.
  • Photos should be submitted digitally in JPG format with minimal compression.
  • The longer side of the photo must be at least 3600 pixels (without enlargement).
  • No removal or addition of objects (including frames, author signatures, names, etc.) is allowed in the photos. The only exception is the removal of dust spots. Organizers have the right to request the original camera file (RAW or JPG) from the author for comparison if needed.
  • When processing photos, participants should adhere to good practices and aim for an accurate and natural representation of the scene.
  • Upon reaching the final, the jury will confirm the story and/or description of the photo and the time of shooting via email, which will be displayed alongside the selected work with the author's name. The exact location of the photo will remain confidential to protect the subjects and the photographers' shooting spots.
  • The sender of the photo(s) is responsible for ensuring that they hold the copyright to the images.

The organizers reserve the right to use the submitted works in connection with the contest and its results in online media, exhibitions, and public events, with credit given to the author.

The contest is supported by the State Forest Management Centre (RMK). The Matsalu Nature Film Festival will gift each finalist with a free pass to MAFF. The authors of the 25 best works will receive a framed, large-format print of their photo selected for the exhibition as a prize.

In addition, one RMK prize—a €150 gift card for booking a forest cabin—will be raffled among the best works. All finalists will also receive a gift bag.

The activities for the 20th anniversary of Matsalu National Park are coordinated by the Environmental Board.

For more information, please contact Remo Savisaar, head of the MAFF photo program, at

Sookured. Remo Savisaar

Sookured. Remo Savisaar


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